Marta Sallai Buránszki, HMS, Budapest
The Hungarian Meteorological Service (HMS) was founded in 1870. On April 8, in this year we celebrated our 131st birthday. His Royal Majesty Franz Joseph I. signed the foundation deed of the "Meteorological and Geomagnetic Royal Hungarian Institute" on this day. The history of HMS is not only a Hungarian story. The HMS was born as a younger sister to the Austrian institute and after World War I our history partly was continued by institutes of our neighbouring countries. Meteorological observation and recording, as in other countries, started much earlier of course, so when it became possible to create an independent Hungarian institute (after the establishmnent of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1867), the first director, Guido Schenzl, a Benedictine monk was able to take over as many as 42 meteorological stations from the director of the Austrian institute.
Today the Hungarian Meteorological Service (HMS) is an institute of
the central government and responsible throughout the entire territory
of Hungary for the tasks associated with meteorology. In the year 2000
the staff consisted of 270 full time employees, 136 of them have a university
degree, 1 is an academic doctor, 17 people have a Ph.D. and there were
il Ph.D. students as well.
Organisational structure
The organisational structure of the Service was changed in 1999. The
new structure makes it possible to distribute the financial resources according
to the tasks, to divide the basically important and the less important
fields of activity and to initiate some units and duties in producing the
financial resources necessary for operation.
The financial basis of the institute is partly covered by the governmental
budget but more than
50% comes from business activities and from scientific foundations.
Expenses (m HUF) 1999 2000
Personal allotments
45 1,0
Employers contribution
Material expenditure
Institutional investments
Central investment
1 USD= 270 HUF (as a mean during the period)
Commercial activity of HMS
The Department for Weather Forecasting and Applied Meteorology is responsible for the main commercial income of HMS. The main task of the department is providing the weather forecast for the public, for the users of different areas of state and economy and it also satisfies the requirements of providing climatic data.
The income from commnercial activities at the Department for Weather
Forecasting and Applied Meteorology is increasing from year to year:
2001 (expected)
54O m HUF
62O m HUF
The most important commercial activities are as follows:
. Aviation meteorology
The financial basis for the operation of the aviation meteorological
service is determined in decree 17/1997. (VI.25.) KTM-KHVM-HM of the Minister
for Environment, the Minister for Traffic and Water Management and Minister
for the National Defence. The fee for providing a meteorological service
for the civil aviation is 18% of the total annual budget of HMS. In 2000
the income from aviation was 282 m HUF. HMS provides the following meteorological
documentation and forecasts for the public and non-public civil aviation
departing from the territory of Hungary:
- TAF, SIGMET messages
- Wind and temperature charts
- Route and area forecasts
- AIRMET, GAMET messages
- SIGWX charts
- Forecasts for sport aviation
ˇ Media
The public MTV (Hungarian National Television), the Danube Television
and the TV2 channels are commercial partners of HMS. As a result of the
development efforts, the demonstration movie of the HMS won the second
prize on the 9th Meteorological Television World Festival in 1999. The
public Hungarian Radio and the most important commercial radio channels
are also partners of HMS: The weather forecast of the Service are published
regularly in different nation-wide and local newspapers, weekly and monthly
journals. Since 1999 the production of press releases has been almost fully
automatic. As a special service audiotext premium rate telephone service
is provided and completed by living telephone meteorological information.
ˇ Industry
In 2000 over 40 permanent and 50 occasional customers, companies from
the area of industry were supplied by meteorological information. Over
70% of the annual income from industry was provided by companies from the
area of energy supply.
ˇ Traffic
Special forecast and warnings are made for increasing the safety of
road and rail-road traffic. HMS supplies meteorological information for
road and city traffic management offices and for the rail-road state-owned
company. The road-meteorological project in Hungary was started in 2000
with the management of the State Road Technological and Information
Management Office, using the system of MicKS GmbH (Germany). The special
forecasts for 30 microclimatic regions, radar and satellite pictures are
provided by HMS.
ˇ Climate information
The everyday activity for providing climate information is wide ranging.
It can be a simple data service, providing raw data, but it can also be
expert or impact study for which purpose the Service must be available
for the clients. The issue Monthly Report briefly describing the weather
of the last month is published on a regular basis.
ˇ Hydrology
In 2000 the income from services provided for hydrology was negligible.
In 2001 a general contract with the Water Authority was ratified. As a
result of this contract the Water Authority pays 50 million HUF for the
meteorological service provided for hydrology.
ˇ Agriculture
In the agrarian sector the agrometeorological information program of
HMS is still popular. We offer valuable meteorological information for
farmers twice a week in summertime and once a week in wintertime. Since
2000 we have been present with that kind of service on the Internet. The
agrometeorological needs of the media are also satisfied.
In 2000 the main part of the commercial income was coming from the weather forecasting activities. The total fee for climatic services was only 5% of the whole commercial income.
The distribution of the commercial income between the different areas
of activity is as
aviation: 50%
media: 28%
hydrology: 1%
agriculture: 1%
The aim of the development regarding meteorological service providing is a user friendly intelligent meteorological and climatological information system. The result of the project will be a new automatic information system which provides all the required information directly to the end-users in electronic way in the field of real time meteorological information, weather forecast and warning systems. The end-users can reach the system to load the special information that they need. The planned system will be flexible to build up further connections in the future.